Thursday 3 April 2014

Daryl Rex Groom Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Adelaide Hill

I had Apply First Aid course today. It was extremely hard to get up in the morning today and I hated myself enrolling in this bloody course at that particular moment. It was more useful and beneficial than I expected but it was also very distributing. My anxiety made me very uncomfortable. So after the training I went to Woolworth again to get some pasta, cheese and wine. I got pasta and blue cheese but when I got to the BWS I saw the nasty lady again. So I didn't get the wine I want. No ID.

I made some simple dinner for myself and prepared for the accounting mid-term exam. I drank some Sauvignon Blanc which I was going to give to my best friend. She seems to be a little bit not happy with me for some unknown reasons. I try not to bother her too much. When she wants to see me again I think I will know. So I decided that I just leave her alone for a while. If she is not happy with the empty wine bottle, I will get her another one. Hahaha. I hope she is doing well with her life and study. I mean she already has lots of things to work on and to worry about. I want to be supportive always.

The wine tastes so good! I think I'd better get some cheese now and then keep working on my exam.

Tomorrow I will do some gardening and drink with my ex boy friend at night.

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