Tuesday 15 April 2014

A Japanese wine drama

Last night I was reading the cooking manga my boss gave to me and I found in the last page there was an introduction of a wine manga. Yeah, they really have manga for wine. So I googled it and found it is also a TV drama now. As a lucky Mandarine speaker I could watch illegal pirate episodes on a Chinese website. (I could heard my Japanese friend saying: You are really a Chinese. Yes, only when crossing the road or watching pirate TV dramas)

The TV show was very Japanese. The main character Shizuku 雫 was employed by a beer factory who hates wine because of his dad who was a top critic of wine. One day his father passed away and left him wine collections that worth 20 million yen. (God, I hope my father was a wine critic) One of the collections is named "the drops of god神の雫" which is also the name of the manga. Based on his father's last will遺言, the young man Shizuku has to solve all the wine puzzles and compete with other famous critic by telling the right name and vintage of 12 wine after tasting (they called 12 apostles十二使徒) The one who gives the most correct answers will win all the collections.

Why I said the drama was so Japanese? Because it inherits the unrealistic style of all the Japanese dramas. When I was doing Auditing, there was a very popular auditing Japanese drama in my class. It is very unrealistic as all the auditors acted like superheroes and dressed like bodyguards. 

This "the drops of god" is called the wine version of 中華一番. People see pictures and flowers when they taste something delicious. (Many audiences said the characters in the drama have really big brain holes 脑洞, which mean wild imagination) Shizuku, his competitor saw pictures such like the famous painting "The Angelus" by tasting wine. They also have "不跑不日剧“ style when means if you didn't see a character running on the street then you are not watching a Japanese TV drama. I only watched two episodes so far and Shizuku was running in the first episode. 

Anyway I think this is a nice TV drama and I heard the popularity of the mange even boomed the Asian and French wine industry. 笑 I want to keep watching it as I can study wine and Japanese at the same time. すごい!!And I also learn something from Shizuku as he always says :"(見醒めよ、 バッカス) means Wake up, Bacchus (the god of wine)" before tasting wine. I think I will do the same for my wine tasting. 笑. "見醒めよ、バッカス!" Then I will see flowers and paintings as well. How cool is that! 

Here is the link of the drama for my Japanese friends and for my Chinese wine friends. 

Now I will go back to watch 神の雫 with my Merlot. でわ〜

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