Friday 20 June 2014

After the trip

Something has changed inside me after my trip. It is hard to describe what has changed. I think I am more determined now. Determined means I have my own minds about who I like to be friends with, who I don't care about, what I want to achieve, how I can achieve and what kind of person I want to be. I found myself back, very powerful and strong. I am not going to change my determination because other people say something. I am not going to be angry or sad because other people did something. I am more quite and patient with my determination. I have something important and heavy in my heart, so I am not going to change easily. I am armed now.

Life is just beginning. We will see. 

Friday 6 June 2014

Some funny updates about my life

It was hard to believe that I won the blind tasting taste, when the lecture asked to choose one of the wines for my prize. I chose the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc because that was the first wine I tired in Australia.

 I can still remember the taste of fresh grass and my best friend asked: Not too bad right? ね?

"うーん。" I looked at her.

She didn't notice my eyes and she didn't realize that she just opened the dusty cellar door of a devil 悪魔. 

"Give me more. I  w—a—n— t       m— o— r — e !" 

That's how horror story starts. 


Sally and William are planning to take cruise ship trip and she asks me to join them. I think it is too expensive. $2000 dollars, I can do many things with 2000 dollars. I think they just want a landmark for their graduations.

I didn't want a landmark for my graduation so I said: "Ummmm...Let me think about it".

One day Sally told me Patrick already started to find jobs and he is planning to go somewhere he could find a job and Sally thought that only means he is going back to Beijing forever.

I think he never likes Adelaide. That's it.